Paul got to meet his niece, Kenzie, for the first time.

Kanin and Gaga surprised me with
a birthday cake they made that said
"I Love You This World".
My love and I took a trip to Las Vegas in February.
Can you see the belly bump? Here we are in front of
We had some really great weather in March.
The weather was so nice that we were able to
take some pics.
Kanin's first Learn to Play hockey session.
GracieAnn, Kenzie and Kanin
GracieAnn, Ben, Aidan, Kanin and Alison
finally made his appearance on July 3, 2009, at 5:12pm.
We had quite a scare with Caleb. He was in the
Special Care Unit for 4 days because of his breathing
and lack of eating. He had an IV in his head and heart
and breathing monitors. Thank God, he came home and
2nd birthday party was a day late. Gaga made this Mickey
Our baby doll turned 2 on July 1, 2009.3 weeks old.
Alison Paige turned 10 in August. We had
her birthday party at Great Skate.

Kanin met his teacher, Ms. Byrnes, at
Alison Paige turned 10 in August. We had
her birthday party at Great Skate.
Kanin met his teacher, Ms. Byrnes, at
We went to Six Flags for the first time
We had Ben's 2nd birthday party out at Grandma
and Grandpa's house.
Sherri's 50th birthday party in Springfield, IL.
We were so excited to share in this event and to
finally get to see Still Kickin'!
Hairy Elephant.
Halloween 2009
Kanin turned 6 and wanted a cherry pie.
The Westerhold's at Deb and Dave's.
This turned out really cute, too! :)