Ever since I can remember I have loved pictures. When I was in elementary school I used to take a camera to school and take snapshots just on ordinary days. I have hundreds of pictures from my school days, church camp, goofing off in the backyard, family functions--basically, a chronicle of my life.
This passion increased exponentially when I had Kanin, GracieAnn and Caleb. I want to chronicle every second of their lives. It's as if I feel like if I capture this moment then that little piece of them will be here forever, even when they aren't. Since meeting Scott I have gone through 3 different cameras. All of them have been the point and shoot kind but good cameras, nonetheless. I have been able to take some pictures in black and white, pose the kids and do some light editing but it still hasn't satisfied my desire to take better pictures of them.
If you come to my house you will see almost exclusively pictures of my familiy on the wall that I have paid several thousand dollars. Engagement pictures of Scott and me, pictures of us when I was pregnant with Gracie. Newborn pictures of Gracie and Caleb and some really great pictures of Kanin when he was about 3 years old. While these pictures are all wonderful, my problem is that I truly think that if I had the right camera and knowledge I could have done it myself.
Scott has heard my argument over and over for a "good" or "real" camera for the past 2-3 years and this year he finally broke down and bought me a camera for Christmas. There was a lot of research and debate in buying this camera but I finally decided on a Nikon D5000, against 19 comments from Facebook friends--LOL

I know it is kind of silly to go back through your life and play the "I wish I would have done . . ." game but I honestly do wish that I would have realized that photography could actually be a career all of those years ago. I know that I would have taken a different direction in college. But, then again, I probably would never have gone into the Army and would not have Kanin (or probably Gracie or Caleb) so I'm glad I did the things I did back then.
So, now here I sit, playing with this fantastic camera and, hopefully, one day I will understand how to use it well enough to take great pictures of my kids. LOL I'm going to start, though, with a camera specific class offered at Creve Couer camera (where I bought it). After that, who knows? I'm hoping to be able to take some other classes, too. I'll keep you posted.
post some pics of what you've taken so far...