Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Kanin's Last Day as a 2nd Grader

Last Friday was Kanin's last day of 2nd grade.  I can't believe how fast this year flew by.  I guess it was because we only had 1 snow day.  I also can't believe how my little baby boy is already heading in to 3rd grade.  I need the time to S-T-O-P!

The last day is a big deal at Kanin's school.  We have an end-of-year parade and the streets are packed.  One of the dad's has attached the school mascot, the Eagle, to his truck for the last 8 years.  His last daughter is graduating over in to Middle School this year so this was his last year to do it.

The first class to come down is always the 5th graders.  This year Emily was a part of that group.  She'll be moving on over to Middle School next year :(

Each grade is assigned a color.  2nd grade's color is purple.  Look how happy Kanin looks.

Here comes the 4th graders . . .

The subdivision behind the school is shut down and the entire school loops all the way through it.  I'm telling you this parade is a BIG deal.  Firetrucks, police cars, and hundreds of parents and family members show up to watch.

Since it was the last year that Mr. O'Brien would be carrying the Eagle, we made signs and these parents held them up when he drove by.  He was really touched.

Here is Kanin's class coming back to school.

After the parade, the PTO bought enough popsicles for all of the students and their families.  Here were Kanin's best friends in 2nd grade this year, Cody and CJ.

Mrs. Saeger was a great teacher!

Kanin loves music class and I think it is because of Mrs. Wolf.  Kanin told me all year long that she was really sweet. 

Kanin's very favorite teacher was Mr. Trost, the P.E. teacher.  Mr. Trost only teaches K-2 P.E. so Kanin will have a new P.E. teacher next year and he is not happy.  LOL

Coming out of the school as a 2nd grader for the last time!

Now we are ready for a terrific summer!


  1. what a cool parade and love the pictures with his teachers! FUN! wow, so they have separate p.e teachers at the same school? we don't have that around here, but a really cool idea I think!

    good luck in 3rd grade, little man!!!

  2. I love that you guys have a parade! What a fun idea!!! Kanin looks so big!! Glad he had a great 2nd grade year!
    I need time to stop too! I can't believe I will have a 4th grader and 1st grader next year. So thankful Carter has a few more years at home with me. =)
    Yay for summer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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