I think I have mentioned on here that I follow a blog called
Clover Lane, thanks to
Holly, and I received one of the "Clover Lane Lady's" (that's what I call her)
updates and it really hit home with me.
Last night Scott and I went to dinner with a new potential employee of his and her husband. The employee is a registered nurse who is working bedside these days and her husband is an opthomalogy resident. They were both super nice, easy to talk to and down-to-Earth. In fact, I was kind of sad for the dinner to end because it was just an easy-flowing conversation. At one point in the conversation, Emmy asked me what I did and out loud I said, "I'm just a stay-at-home mom". Well, immediately, I kind of made a little joke and said "JUST" hoping that she got the meaning that even though I stay-at-home with the kids that I do more than just kind of babysit, watch TV, etc. Then, instead of just being content to say that I stay-at-home with the kids I felt the need to go farther into my education and work history . . . "I have a degree in Education, taught high school Engish for a couple of years, was a Military Intelligence Officer in the Army for 6 years then I was a cartographer (people never know what that word means) and then I DECIDED to stay at home once Gracie was born." Why did I feel the need to justify myself?
Staying at home with my children is an absolute blessing that I know a lot of women, including my own mom, wish and dream to be able to do but it always seems like when faced with the question of what I do,
I seem to be the one that belittles it by trying to convince the other person that even though I stay at home
now that I
used to actually
work. How crazy is that? I really think that it isn't other people who are judging me but that I am judging myself and I'm really unsure why.
This is definitely something for me to work on.
I know that being a mom is probably the most important job in the world. I am the one that the kids are with the most. I am the one who does most of the disciplining. I am the one who listens to what happened at school today or what show was funny. I am the one who hears, "Mommy, watch me do xxxx" at least a hundred times a day. So think that I am the one who needs to give myself more credit.
I really hope that next time someone asks me what I do, I can be content to say that I'm a mom. Period.