Thursday, May 12, 2011

First Boat Ride for the Kiddos

Last night we went for a boat ride to dinner with our neighbors.  They have asked us the last couple of years to take the kids out but we were always so nervous.  Now that Caleb is almost 2 and Gracie almost 4, we figured that we would give it a try. 

Here is Emily, our neighbors' daughter and almost like a 4th child to us, holding Caleb while we waited for the boat to lower from the lift.

The kids kept callin the cabin the basement.  They couldn't decide if they wanted to ride down there or up top so up and down the stairs was the routine.

Scott took the wheel while we were pulling up to the restaurant.  Corey was throwing out the rope and putting out the bumpers.

We went to this cute little place called Kinder's.  There wasn't a whole lot of food to choose from but it was right on the water and they had a great burger. 

The ferry loaded and unloaded right at Kinder's so we were all entertained watching the cars coming on and off.  

It was a perfect night for a boat ride.  The kids loved it and can't wait to go again!


  1. Oh what fun! I love the idea of that!
    Riding a boat up to a restaurant...seems enchanting ;]
    Im so glad you finally gave in and went and ENJOYED IT!
    Great memories for you and your family =]

  2. How fun is that?! I always loved being out on a boat when I was a kid, but we didn't have one so it wasn't something we did often.

  3. Where is Kinder's? Looks like fun!!
