Sunday, June 13, 2010

A New Blog to Read

As you all know by now, I am a huge fan of Sarah at Clover Lane.  This week she interviewed a woman named Angela and wouldn't you know it?  I've fallen in love with her blog, too.  She is a Nonny (Mama, Nana, Granny, Grandma) now and  loves her family.  While looking through her past entries, she had one about life's simple pleasures and it struck a nerve with me.

I don't think that I appreciate the simple things in life as much as I should.  There are so many over-the-top, exciting, adrenaline pumping activities that I think most people have forgotten how to enjoy the little things in life, especially me. 

So, I am going to try to list at least 10 life's simple pleasures.

1. The first truly warm day of the year.
2. Taking a nap outside.
3. Laying in front of the fireplace.
4. Summer festivals with lots of food, drinks and music.

How sad is it that I am stuck at #4?
5. Getting a pedicure.
6. Taking a long, hot bath.  With only myself in the bathroom.
7. Reading a good book outside under a shade tree.
8. A day with my family.  At the Cardinal game.
9. My baby smiling at me.
10. A perfectly ripened watermelon.


  1. I think all 10 of those are just about perfect!

  2. Those all sound great! I really liked that interview, too!! :)

  3. How precious of you to write this! Can't wait to sit and read back through your blog!
