Friday, September 2, 2011

Food Fact Friday

Food Fact #1 People who drink diet soda on a daily basis have an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes. 
To read more, go HERE.

Food Fact #2 The new Denny's Mac-n-Cheese Big Daddy Patty Melt alone has 500 more calories than a Carl's Jr Burger, Fries, and Coke put together.  It has 3x the calories of a KFC Double Down Sandwich.  And 200 calories more than 5 Boston Market Mac and Cheese Sides!!  To read more, go HERE.

Food Fact #3 You CAN eat pizza and still be healthy!  Dominoes Crunchy Thin Crust with Ham, Mushroom, Green Pepper, and Onion Pizza (2 slices, large pie) and a Chicken Ceasar Salad will only run you 510 calories.  Find more eating out ideas, HERE.

Food Fact #4 A Little Debbie Honey Bun is made up of flour, sugar, palm oil, and partially hydrogenated vegetable oil.


  1. Hi,thanks for the comment,following back ,whooo I might eat pizza all month :)

  2. whew, those are some food facts for sure...I sure think HoneyBuns are tasty, but because of all that JUNK in them, it's probably why I haven't had one in YEARS!!!

    LOVE YOUR NEW LAYOUT PICS...what a perfect, little family :)
