Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Laugh Out Loud

A while back I posted about the auto-correct on my iPhone.  I have kept adding whenever it comes up with some crazy things.  You can read out them here.  (Check out the one about the porno)

Today I got a post from Confessions of a 20 Something that had me rolling in the floor.  Apparently, there is a site called:  Damnyouautocorrect.com 

HILARIOUS!  I so needed this laugh.

P.S.  What are you waiting for?  Enter my Giveaway today!  On-line consultation with a registered dietician for 2 months.  We are talking about your health, people!


  1. I love this site! It's fricken hilarious.

  2. Oh my gosh. I'm a fan of that site on facebook and it always cracks me up. I too, have an iphone and the auto correct is so annoying! :)

