Friday, December 3, 2010

12 Days of Christmas/New Year's Resolutions-Day 11

Today's challenge in the 12 Days of Christmas Challenge is New Year's Resolutions.  

I normally say that I am going to make New Year's Resolutions and, like most people, I forget about them or break them right away.  So . . . instead of resolutions, here are some "goals" for 2011:
1. Run a 5K
2. Run a 10K
3. Run the half at the STL Rock and Roll Marathon
4. Take a photography class
5. Take a cooking class
6. Get my "work room" set up downstairs
7. Organize basement and get rid of things we don't need
8. Get my pictures organized
9. Finish painting, decorating, organizing the downstairs
10. Read 20 books--What used to be a standard, I haven't been able to accomplish this one since I've had children.
Share your New Year's Resolutions!


  1. Those are great goals.! I love the goal of reading 20 books. Such a great idea.!!

  2. Great list of goals! I hope you accomplish them all!

  3. Great resolutions.
    new follower.
