Thursday, December 16, 2010

Meeting Santa Claus

We took the kids to see Santa Claus yesterday.  I was really anxious to see how Gracie and Caleb were going to do.  Gracie can be pretty shy at times and Caleb's reaction is always up in the air.

They waited in line very patiently.

I didn't know how Kanin would react this year.  I think someone might have said something at school about "believing".  He has made a couple of comments and asked if Santa was real or not so I thought that he might not be into it but he really was excited.

I love that Caleb is kind of leery in this picture.

Yes, I was the parent that took my own camera.  I did let the "professionals" take their picture, too, but I wanted to try to get as many pics as possible with my own.  Unfortunately, they didn't all turn out great.

Gracie really talked to Santa a lot.

My sweet babies. 

Santa kept trying to talk to Caleb.  Caleb would just point at him and give him high-fives.

So sweet.  I just wish that it would have come out clearer.

Bad scan on my part but here is the final product.