Saturday, December 4, 2010

Small Things Saturday

My Small Thing to appreciate this Saturday is that Scott is taking Kanin to hockey by himself.  I love going to watch Kanin play hockey but unless I have help, it is almost pointless for me to go and sit with Gracie and Caleb.  Scott is out on the ice with Kanin so I spend the whole time chasing after Caleb, taking Gracie to the bathroom, going to buy snacks, changing diapers, kissing boo boo's, etc.  I do go to all of his games but since this is just practice, Gaga said he would go by himself.

Go to the above link and tell about your Small Thing Saturday!


  1. That is a great small thing, I can't stand still for a second with my little ones either. Enjoy your morning. LOVE the blog header!

  2. That sounds reasonable to me! I hope you have having a great Saturday!

  3. Awesome!!!! Just joined the hop. Have a spectacular Saturday
