I really wanted to take the kids to see Christmas lights this year. We did it a couple of years ago but Gracie was only 6 months old and Caleb wasn't born yet. With Kanin being 7, I figured that he would really get into it. Gaga went along with my idea even though I'm sure he would have rather been relaxing on the couch.
One of the local parks had a drive thru celebration that normally is $9/car but there was a $2 off since it was Tuesday. Who knew?
I tried to take pics but since we were moving the whole time, some came out a little blurry.
I made hot chocolate and we turned on Christmas music . . .
what a perfect storybook-type thing to do. Right?
Aw, but remember, we were doing this with 3 kids. Gracie slept through the whole thing. Kanin loved it. Caleb screamed the entire time. The park is about 1 1/2 miles long so it was about 30 minutes of screaming. No clue what was wrong with that boy!
Even with Caleb screaming, it still was a storybook-type thing to do. It was part of our story and we just added another page of memories to it tonight.
Okay, where do you live? We are very close to this park and drove through on the 23rd.